WIFI Studio
WIFI Studio is an 802.11 (WIFI) Scanner for Windows Vista, much like Netstumbler but for Vista and Windows 7.0.
Features over the standard included scanner in windows Vista:
- Ability to connect to a particular access point by MAC address. This feature is useful say when
there are 5 access points with 'linksys' as the SSID, but they're not really part of the same network.
Vista assumes all like-named access points are part of the same network.
- Trace window that lets you see what's going on inside Vista's auto-connect logic.
- Graphic history of signal level for each visible access point.
- And much more.
Possible features if I get donations:
- Better multi-adapter support
- GPS Logging
- Security testing features such as test durability of encryption by cracking the WEP key.
Download the latest version :
Download WIFI Studio ver 1.2.2
- Removed non-working tcp-settings menu. It will come back soon I hope.
- Changed setup to include setup.exe, now distributed in a .rar archive
- Changed connect code back to so that it specifies the access point. If you have problems connecting, please email me.
Version 1.200 features:
- Added mini status window to show graph of network speed, and much more.
Right click on tray icon and select "Show Status Window".
This window has many active keys and mouse buttons, experiment to discover.
- Reworked connect-to-access-point-by-mac-address. Please let me know if the new version no longer works for you.
- Windows 7.0 Support.
- Reworked code base for stability.
- better handles multiple interfaces.
- Added numerous features, too many to list.
- Pre-Alpha test version of "set tcp/ip params", please ignore menu item now.
Please report bugs to :
Make a $20 donation. Donations are what prompts me to spend more
time developing the product. As a bonus, in the donation checkout
page there is a location where you can specify a feature request.
I'll do my best to integrate said feature if feasable. The more
you donate, the harder I'll try to get the feature in :) Feel free
to send as little as $5 for a junior registration (1 user 1 version on 1 pc).
Update Log
Version 1.0
Download Older version of WIFI Studio, ver 1.000
- Added Network status window so you can see ping times to your gateway, to your DNS server, and to (arbitrarily) yahoo.com. Also displayed are network data transfer speeds.
By looking at this window you can tell if you're internet connection is working or not, if not, whether your DNS server exists, whether your connection to your gateway is working or not, whether DNS is working, whether your connection is just overloaded by traffic or not.
- Added DHCP release and renew.
- Many, many more changes, bug fixes, performance improvements.
Version 0.73 beta
- Option to Minimize to system tray.
- Improved connect code.
- Many small changes.
Version 0.72 alpha
- Many, many changes.
- Ability to connect by doubleclicking, connect window comes up with retry and status, and autoretry.
- Properties window for stations.
- Different location, and look and feel for graph window, smoother and faster graph updates.
- Got rid of help file that didn't have any help.
- Too much more to list.
Version 0.71 alpha
- Made connect and disconnect buttons function correctly.
- Graph works right now for showing when station was disconnected. Previously it showed last data point.
- Corrected version number in .exe file. You may have to uninstall before you install this version... previous version in file said 1.0
- Quite a few small changes, too many to mention.
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